Your Solution for Photography, Web Page & Media Design,
Communications Education & Training

Spring Semester Classes at
Danville Area Community College

Photography and Digital Imaging Classes Scheduled at DACC for Spring 2019

Photography "THE BASICS"

This course of study introduces the student to: The use and handling of 35mm as well as digital cameras; a working knowledge of film and digital imaging; the basic elements of a photograph; an understanding of lighting, both natural and artificial (flash); basic portrait lighting and posing; and the care, storage, and display of printed photographs as well as digital images.

Requirements: 35 mm camera and/or digital camera.

Class Schedule - Thursday nights 6-8:00pm,
March 14 through May 2

 At the DACC Village Mall Office

On-line outline and resources


Photoshop Elements 10.0
Photoshop Elements is a program that comes with many new digital cameras and scanners. It can perform many of the functions that the more expensive Photoshop CS5 or CS6 can do, but is more user friendly to amateur artists and photographers. The class will teach how to view and organize, fix, and enhance photos, and produce photo creations and composites.

Class Schedule - Thursday nights - 6-8:00pm,
February 14 through March 7
At the DACC Village Mall Office



The Fall 2019 Schedule will soon be out!


Look for this class in the Spring Semester
Classes at DACC Village Mall Office

Photography II - Introduction to Professional Photography

Course of study introduces the student to the basics of studio and commercial photography. Classes will explore photojournalism, studio photography, commercial advertising photography and scenic art photography.

Business issues such as resale, zoning, state sales tax and income tax reporting will also be covered.
Weekly photo assignments and photo critiques are a part of the curriculum. Participants will need to produce 2-3 8x10 photos each week to complete weekly assignments. A camera, either digital or film is required.

Prerequisite – Photography I, “The Basics” or permission of the instructor.

You should enroll as soon as possible. The college has minimum enrollments required to run any of these classes. To enroll, contact the DACC Community Education department at 217-554-1668 or 217-554-1667.

Deadline for registration is one day prior to the starting date of each class.

Let me know what classes or Workshops you would like

Besides teaching classes for DACC, I also try to offer classes, workshops, photo trips and tours that you want. Past classes and workshops have included basic studio portrait photography, advanced black & white photography, and B&W darkroom techniques. Tours have included overnight trips to Southern Illinois and one day trips through west-central Indiana . Extended trips include Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

I will soon start making plans for spring classes and workshops. If you have any ideas, or if there are any special topics you would like to see offered in a workshop, contact Les at lesw@woodrum-media.com


Les & Dallas Woodrum
1619 N. Bowman Ave.
Danville, IL 61832
Phone: 217-443-4403

E-mail at - info@woodrum-media.com